the hectic Christmas period the lives of Bingley Handbell Ringers are quiet in
the run up to the regional Spring rally and a series of other events over the
are pleased to report that our new recruits are continuing to progress and it
has been wonderful to be able to play all 3 octaves at the majority of our
practices. Just before Christmas our numbers had dwindled so that even if
everyone was there that was not possible.
are looking forward to 2019 with renewed optimism. Don’t forget that if you
want to book us in for a performance, particularly at Christmas, please think
ahead and give us plenty of notice.
the meantime the children of Trinity All Saints are going from strength to
strength. The majority of the ringers who started last school year have stayed
and have been joined by others from year 5. Jane and Kathy took two teams to
the Skipton Music Festival and once again they returned home with a trophy.
just hope that the older children will continue to ring when they move to
secondary school and we are trying to think of the best way to ensure this.
our increased numbers we still welcome new recruits so, if you want to give
handbell ringing a try, please come down to the vestry at 7pm on a Wednesday to
meet us. We have decided that the new system of having all our practices on a
Wednesdays instead of alternating them with Mondays has had an overall positive
effect and the attendance is better.