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Bingley Handbells News


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News July 2023

Uncategorised Posted on Thu, July 06, 2023 13:04:39

At Bingley we have established a tradition for an annual afternoon tea celebration.

Any excuse will do!

This year however it was rather special as 17 of us marked the retirement from the handbell team of Roger Pollard.

Roger is one of the founder members of our team. He is part of a group of us who were originally tower bell ringers and was instrumental in the restoration of our set of Shaws Handbells in 2010.

Over the years Roger has been our treasurer, our webmaster and of course our bell maintenance manager. He adjusts our bells and polishes them so they sparkle. Without Roger’s input we would struggle and his shoes will be very hard to fill.

Once again Lavinia’s of Bingley supplied us with a splendid meal of sandwiches, cakes and scones which we supplemented with tea, coffee and fizz.

As a token of our appreciation of Roger’s hard work Jane Lynch, our chair, presented him with a garden centre voucher and a card signed by us all. Both hers and Roger’s speeches were brief but emotional and as he departed he promised to return and to help us out if needed. He leaves our group in a healthy position. We have gained 4 new ringers since the pandemic and usually manage to ring all 3 octaves of bells at our weekly practices.

NEWS July 2022

2022 News, Uncategorised Posted on Wed, July 13, 2022 09:02:33

Another month, another performance!

On 7 July a group of us together with our 2 friends from Leeds again performed at Wilsden Village Hall for the Thursday Group. We have visited the hall on a number of previous occasions and even for that group before. Despite the hot summer weather there was a good turnout to watch us and our performance of our best 2 octave pieces was well received.

Sadly only 2 of the audience joined us for the Have a Go session afterwards but they did very well.

We do have difficulties performing mid week during the day as many of us have work or childcare commitments so without Christine and Roger joining us we would have struggled. We thank them for their assistance again.

Solna Burnham


March 2022

2022 News, Uncategorised Posted on Mon, March 14, 2022 11:45:05

Well this has been a quiet month so far with not much news to report. However I submitted our annual report to the PCC and a copy is below as a review of 2021.

“We began 2021 with our catch ups confined to Zoom meetings and online Ringing Room sessions.

When the restrictions were relaxed again in June we were able at last to ring together again meeting in Jane’s garden in Eldwick as we had done the previous summer.

Fortunately before the weather deteriorated the restrictions relaxed again and we were able to meet indoors.

During the pandemic we had been asked to move from the vestry, so it could be renovated, to Church House where Mark Stothers had worked hard to find us space in a new storage area in the back room (which we share with the Toddler Group) for our filing cabinet and metal cupboard. This has proved to be a great improvement with more space, superior kitchen facilities and efficient heating.

We began performing again in November, although we were less busy than in previous years, starting with a rearranged performance for the Frocks WI in church and finishing in the same venue for the Christmas Tree Festival wearing masks due to the Omnicom variant.

We are now looking forward to what looks like a nearly normal 2022 with performances, rallies, New Year and Big Birthday celebrations.

Sadly the junior ringers at Trinity All Saints School did not meet during the pandemic and it appears unlikely that unless someone comes forward to assist the group will not start again in the foreseeable future.”

Solna Burnham

07884 233382

News February 2022

2022 News, Uncategorised Posted on Thu, February 17, 2022 08:53:27

10 years ago when we were raising money to restore the handbells we held a fund raising ceildh to celebrate the combined 150th birthdays of 3 of our members.

How time passes – this year will see the 3 of them reach a combined darts score of 180!

The first of these birthdays was the 60th celebration of Jane, our chair. As a group we purchased a rose bush aptly titled “Birthday Wishes” for her garden – which was the site of many of our outdoor lockdown practices.

The ladies amongst us celebrated on Saturday afternoon when Jane, very generously, treated us together with the tower bell ringers and her other friends to afternoon tea at Cafe in the Opera at Salts Mill. A lovely time was had by all and there was the usual competitive moment when each table formed a team for a quiz. Although we did not win we discovered our musical director, Clair, has a secret knowledge of TV shows and films!

Roll on the next big birthday!

Solna Burnham

News January 2022

2022 News, Uncategorised Posted on Mon, January 31, 2022 09:39:16

A New Year, A New Start!

As usual we began January with our annual post Christmas Dinner. This was delayed by COVID at the venue and on the rearranged date the service and the food were disappointing. However we enjoyed meeting up together, reviewing the year past and planning the year ahead.

At our first practice we were joined by three new members, Eileen, Margaret and Tony who are already established ringers and we hope they will stay with us. This means that we should be able to get back to ringing the full 3 octaves regularly.

However we still welcome new members either beginners who wish to try handbells or people who can already ring.

We are already getting requests to ring for events so if you want to make a booking, particularly for the Christmas period please do not leave it too late.

Solna Burnham


07884 233382

News July 2021

2021 News, Uncategorised Posted on Fri, July 23, 2021 07:17:41

So this week things were almost back to normal – even if the weather was abnormally hot for England!

We met in our new home in Church House on Wednesday at 7pm. As most restrictions had been lifted we were not limited to 6 people inside and in fact as we have not yet reinstated our sign up list we did not even know who was coming – so there was a surprise every time the door moved!

Our bells and equipment were stored in our new cupboard – Thank you Martyn and Mark for sorting this – and there was plenty of space for us all.

As it turned out there were enough of us to ring the 2 octave set with a conductor (most of the time) and we tried some really difficult pieces with bell changes, syncopated rhythms etc. We will be trying new pieces and old favourites over the summer before we start practising for our Christmas performances in the Autumn.

Now we are ready to welcome new comers again to give handbells a try. If you are interested we will be in Church House from 7-9pm on Wednesdays, but it would help if you could ring one of us before turning up.

Solna Burnham


07884 233382

News June 2021

2021 News, Uncategorised Posted on Wed, June 16, 2021 10:46:35

Sadly, although perhaps predictably, the final relaxation of the lockdown rules has been delayed.

We will be restricted to practices of 6 indoors (or more outside) until at least 19 July and are therefore unable to welcome potential new members until then.

However the warm and sunny weather in June has at least enabled 8 of us to meet in Jane’s garden and ring the full 2 octave set. Coincidentally the first time we did this was on 9 June exactly one year after we first met outside at the end of the first lockdown. What a lovely evening we had ringing some different pieces and having a good catch up over a cuppa.